B12 Cure-All or Waste of Money?


Originally published on phlabs.org

Are B12 injections worth the hype?

“B12 injections given here!” Doctor’s offices, chiropractic centers and other wellness-focused operations love to advertise B12. And why not? Patients swear it gives them an “energy boost.”  

Animal sources like meat and eggs are the primary sources of B12 in the U.S.  A simple blood test can tell you your level — numbers between 500 and 1,000 pg/ml are desirable.

However, vegans, vegetarians, women, alcoholics, people with bowel diseases like colitis or Crohn’s, and people who have had gut surgery (like gastric bypass surgery) are the most likely to be deficient. Additionally, absorption of food-bound vitamin B12 decreases as we age. It is generally recommended that adults 51 years and older take a supplement containing vitamin B12.

What is vitamin B12?

B12 is a water-soluble vitamin, which means that it dissolves in water. In general, after the body uses water-soluble vitamins, leftover amounts leave the body through the urine. B12 is different in that it can be stored for years in the liver. It is actually the only water-soluble vitamin that can be stored in the body.

What are the risks of B12 deficiency?

The risks of B12 deficiency include anemia, numbness, impaired senses and nerve damage.

If you do have a deficiency, evidence shows that a simple oral tablet is just as effective in restoring levels as injected B12. A 2011 study in the journal Clinical Therapeutics showed that people were able to attain 100% of desired B12 levels simply by taking a daily oral supplement.

What about taking supplements even when you don’t have a deficiency?

It seems to depend on what you want to take it for. In 1978, researchers in the British Journal of Nutrition measured exercise performance before and after B12 injections (or placebo injections) and found no difference in performance.  

But another study looked at young people with hearing loss due to too much noise exposure. This study found some benefit in hearing in the participants who took extra B12. This makes some sense, since B12 is critical to nerve health. The B12 you don’t need will be excreted in the urine, unless you have liver disease.

There is a small subset of people who truly cannot absorb vitamin B12 well from food or from oral supplements. There is a test called CobaSorb that will tell you if you are one of them. Potassium supplements can reduce absorption of vitamin B12.  There is also some evidence that vitamin C in supplements can interfere with obtaining the vitamin B12 found in foods. But note that if you’ve had weight loss surgery, your doctor should guide you in deciding what supplements should be taken.  

Although taking vitamin B12 has almost no side effects, your dollars should be spent on supplements you actually need. If you have low B12, opt for a less expensive pill form; if your B12 level is normal, take a multivitamin to boost all your vitamin levels.

Who may be at risk for B12 deficiency?

Do you have pernicious anemia? Are you on long-term antibiotics? Do you gave gastritis? Are you a smoker or a vegetarian or vegan? Do you drink a lot of alcohol? If you answered yes to any of these, you may be at risk for vitamin B12 deficiency and should consider a supplement.

How much B12 can I take?

If your kidneys and liver are healthy, you can probably take 1,000 micrograms daily without adverse effects (which may include itching, numbness and tingling, rapid heartbeat, diarrhea and swelling). Some doctors say there are absolutely no side effects to massive B12 doses. However, the recommended daily intake of B12 is less than 3 micrograms. Taking over 3,000 micrograms, which is significantly higher than the recommended daily intake, is known to cause adverse effects.

At pH Labs, we help you find out what your body really needs through a personalized health assessment, advanced lab testing and can assist you with boosting b12 through our pH Drip Lab. This way, you’re not left to trial and error to find out what supplements to take or lifestyle adjustments to make. Our doctors will work with you to address any deficiencies in your body, including vitamin B12. Visit our website or call us at 855-PHLABS1 to schedule an appointment.

The pH professional health care team includes recognized experts from a variety of health care and related disciplines, including physicians, attorneys, nutritionists, nurses and certified fitness instructors. This team also includes the members of the pH Medical Advisory Board, which constantly monitors all pH programs, products and services. To learn more about the pH Medical Advisory Board, click here.

Are Vitamin Infusions Worth All the Hype?

Originally published on pHLabs.org

Las Vegas is America’s adult playground, but it can definitely take a toll on you if you overdo it. We’ve all been there!

If you happen to be in Vegas and desperately need a cure for a hangover, dehydration or exhaustion, paying a visit to REVIV, an IV drip spa, may be just what you need.

IV drip spas, where people can get a cocktail of nutrients injected directly into their bloodstream via an IV, are actually all over the United States. Also called vitamin infusions, these vitamin injections are sometimes simply given as a shot (like if you were to walk in and get a flu shot at your local drug store).

These treatments reportedly offer:

  • Relief from jet lag
  • Relief from pain due to fibromyalgia
  • A boost for the immune system
  • Cure for a hangover
  • Clearer skin

Some even say these injections will improve sexual function.

If you were to visit one of these IV drip spas, it would be pretty comparable to ordering at a smoothie or juice bar.

For example, this IV spa in California has a pretty big menu offering items such as: 

  • Brain Boost” - to help with your ability to concentrate. Treatment delivers taurine, an amino acid that may play an important role in creating new brain cells. The injection also includes B vitamins and vitamin C, which may stimulate and balance neurotransmitters. 
  • Party Prep” - offers 11 nutrients that will keep you hydrated and energized before you attend a big event. 

These treatments are not cheap. On average, they cost about $100 to $175.

Depending on what spa you visit, vitamin IV drips can take anywhere between 15 to 90 minutes.

Reportedly, “[f]or an infusion, vitamins are added to a solution containing the same salt concentration as your blood to aid absorption and take about 20 to 30 minutes. Infusions are relatively painless.”

Some celebs, including Rihanna and Gwyneth Paltrow, swear by vitamin drips for boosting immunity.  

Even widely popular celebrity Dr. Oz said they are “cutting edge.”

One woman spent thousands of dollars on these drips, despite some medical experts saying they are a waste of money in her case.

Do they work?

Well, we know IV delivery of nutrients and medication is utilized in the hospital setting for treating patients. Intravenous fluids may contain potassium, glucose, and sodium, which are electrolytes your body needs to function normally.  

And medical professionals may use IV lines to deliver drugs directly into the veins, which helps them reach the bloodstream more quickly than they would if you took a capsule or tablet. IV drugs are also useful for treating people who are vomiting and cannot take oral medications.

Some medical doctors have been successfully using a “cocktail of intravenous vitamin C, vitamin B1 (thiamine) and corticosteroids” to treat sepsis with “no consequential side effects.”

However, other medical professionals are waiting for hard science to decide whether this method of treating sepsis is effective.  

“That evidence could come from two large studies now underway in the United States. Both are being conducted according to the gold standard of medical science: Some patients get the treatment, others get a placebo, and neither the patients nor doctors know who gets what.”

Some people against vitamin IV drips argue it is useless, because infusing vitamins through your veins bypasses the GI system.

According to some doctors, circumventing your digestive system may put your health at risk. That’s because your digestive tract has several layers of defense—from antibodies in your saliva to your liver— that filter out potentially harmful molecules that could cause an allergic reaction.

But others believe that skipping the GI system is the reason why these treatments can be so effective.

“With vitamin C, for example, it’s immediately available for cellular use when you infuse it directly into the veins. But the same amount would cause G.I. upset if you tried to take it by mouth,” according to one medical doctor.

It is important to note that these vitamin IV drips should not be a viable long-term solution to any medical problems you may be having.

If you’re hungover in Vegas, it may be a quick fix. But if you are someone who has chronic fatigue or always getting sick, you need to get to the bottom of why you have these symptoms and perhaps make appropriate lifestyle changes, like exercising more and eating healthier.

Are these treatments safe?

There is always a risk of infection with needle use, but it’s likely no more riskier than getting a flu shot or having a regular IV at the hospital.

If you take too much of a certain vitamin or mineral, this can be toxic. One doctor says he doesn’t use anything that could reach toxicity levels quickly. And since these treatments use water-soluble vitamins, any excess would be filtered by the kidneys and eliminated through your urine.

Model and member of the Kardashian clan Kendall Jenner was not long ago hospitalized due to a bad reaction from a vitamin IV drip.

(These treatments are not FDA endorsed or regulated).

There are not many details on what exactly happened to Jenner, but she recovered pretty quickly. What you really have to be mindful of is the person giving you the drip. These treatments are often done in spa type environments, and not your doctor’s office, so in some cases you are kind of like letting someone else play doctor.

You have to do your research and make sure you are going to a reputable place.

“More serious complications of an IV treatment can include a blood clot or inflammation of the vein. Although very rare, improperly inserted IVs can create a stroke-causing air embolism or cause the fluids to leak into nearby tissue,” according to the doctor in this report.

Of course if you have any existing health issues or are pregnant or breastfeeding, speak with a competent healthcare professional about whether vitamin drips are appropriate for you.

And always remember, being healthy is about your day-to-day care: what you are eating, not smoking, exercising, drinking in moderation, managing stress and visiting your doctor on an annual basis.

So are infusions worth the hype?

I have benefited from infusions of Vitamins C and B because I have such difficulty absorbing enough of these vitamins from food or supplement form. There is enough evidence to suggest that infusions may indeed be worth the hype and the benefits may far outweigh any risks associated with them. So if you have confirmed that you are deficient in certain nutrients and want to experience quick results, this may very well be one avenue you want to consider as a short term fix until you figure out a long term solution.  

Enjoy your healthy life!

The pH professional health care team includes recognized experts from a variety of health care and related disciplines, including physicians, attorneys, nutritionists, nurses and certified fitness instructors. This team also includes the members of the pH Medical Advisory Board, which constantly monitors all pH programs, products and services. To learn more about the pH Medical Advisory Board, click here.